The 48 Hour Application: Day One
Time 08:40
Trying to decide what type of storage engine to use. I thought I was going to use what I know, and what is easy to deploy onto my servers – MySQL. Considering I have been using this because I have a few bundles that could speed things up. But, MongoDB is closer to the data I will be modelling.
Time 09:00
I think I am happy with the schema for a first pass. Still considering what database to build with. Better setup my repository and framework.
Time 10:20
Framework setup. Repository setup. Making my way into configuration of the entities – leaning toward Mongo for the storage, though there is an awful lot of pre-configured classes working in my previous bundles.
Time: 10:25
Listening to The Black Queen. Such a great album, what a debut.
Time 11:52
I have been configuring MongoDB to work with Symfony2. Part of me knew that sticking with what I knew would be faster… The other part of me wanted something that would be a good layout for the future. Optimising too far into the future, I should be focused on building.
Time 11:57
Considering a change. No Mongo migrations with this version of Symfony.
Time 13:00
Long detour. Had a feeling changing the schema and the existing code would be time consuming. I will still use NoSQL storage for events called to the API, going to go for a relational database to start off with. Ran into some issues with bundles, migrations and other things I didn’t want to loose. Onward!
Time: 15:15
Lost some time with a drive into the Village. Ice rink was closed, so didn’t even get to work while there. Dang.
Time: 16:10
I had expected to be further along than I am now. Bit of stuffing around, but the schema is done, as a first pass, and it is onto configuring the FOSUserBundle for setting up some basic User functions.
Time 23:05
Time has gone quickly, and yet so slowly. I had figured I would be further along by now, but the weekend was already rather busy. It seems that there is no great 48 Hours to develop an application – at least in our house. I would point out that we are moving along next weekend, travelling into the United States to meet my brother’s new baby girl. So, by that measure, next weekend would have been worse for this…
Time: 00:12
A little late. Think I have to sleep before getting up and trying this again. The low-level stress of “always keeping moving” is not a great motivational tool. I am starting to understand (once again) why pressure is not a great motivator. Keeping relaxed and focused on the job at hand is always a better way to work.
Feeling frazzled, and a little dazed at the amount of work I have done today. Not as much as I thought, and a long way to go. Have to keep moving forward. The goal is using the service by Monday morning, and I still am waiting on a reply from the domain people for my site…