It may already be known, but I follow Lance Armstrong on twitter - I should say, I am 1 of the 293,587 people following him on twitter. Last week Mr. Armstrong wrote a '128 character' review of the Giro Time Trial stage : here. Whilst...
Strange things happen at strange times. I guess otherwise they wouldn't be strange, but regular.For the past few days I have been playing mental games with a particular find() in CakePHP. Basically I wanted to be able to get ALL of some data (Category), and...
So, it seems that cake is more awesome than me. And the Temporary hack I have below is over-ruled by cakephp. Thanks to Matt @ pseudocoder what I should have looked for is find $this->Model->('list') and it would bypass the 'foreach' loop. Excellent.The CakePHP WayMany...
Once the principals of cascading style sheets is understood, besides time and patience, you should be fine to run with them. They are an easier way to build sites, wih a lighter download per file, and a cached style sheet.Some pre information links. Stopdesign: This is...
An intresting article landed above my gmail inbox this morning. At Rapleaf, your personals are public. Definatly something that caught my attention, just because in a world of privacy statements and security systems inplemented into the internet it seems a little off skelter.RAPLEAFSo I gave...