Victorian Bush Fires : 2009
This weekend was horrible.
This weekend was horrible.
So, it was a great day. The groom arrived on horseback. The bride arrived late. And everything went well. I am writing this entry to be a reminder to me and maybe to others (others, pah!) of what a great time it was. The sun...
"Viral Marketing is becoming like China's Opening Ceremony. Glitz and Glamour with the pang of disapointment." - something I tweeted last night.The stakes of viral marketing have increased. No longer are we content with watching something and passing it on. We want to connect, and...
The previous article I wrote I finished to get something up by my pre-determined deadline. I had not finished the article, so I severed it and left it for the following week to continue my thoughts and hopefully to answer some questions.Obvious HurdlesReally what is...
I have been thinking quiet a bit about my last post - titled The Death on an Industry. I have been thinking of doing a new one and have hit many brick walls - usually when that happens it means i am meant to write...
For those same years I have been hanging onto the thread of light that it was not true. I believed in my heart that the end of the CD, handheld packaging and getting a physical item would outway that of a digital download. I do believe in this economical based world, that this is declining…
Check out his blog. Once you read, you’ll delete all your previous RSS feeds, and live off Hooley. One feed for a thirsty Generation.