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Frodo's Ghost | The Thoughts of an Unsuccessful Entrepreneur
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The China Syndrome

"Viral Marketing is becoming like China's Opening Ceremony. Glitz and Glamour with the pang of disapointment." - something I tweeted last night.The stakes of viral marketing have increased. No longer are we content with watching something and passing it on. We want to connect, and...

Reformation of an Industry: Part 2

The previous article I wrote I finished to get something up by my pre-determined deadline. I had not finished the article, so I severed it and left it for the following week to continue my thoughts and hopefully to answer some questions.Obvious HurdlesReally what is...

Reformation of An Industry

I have been thinking quiet a bit about my last post - titled The Death on an Industry. I have been thinking of doing a new one and have hit many brick walls - usually when that happens it means i am meant to write...

CD Packaging. The death of an industry.

For a few years now many people have been touting the death of CD packaging. It is either the ultimate in sales words – Apple and their music store, or is from the mouth of music CEO‘s, who don’t know how to stay in business.

For those same years I have been hanging onto the thread of light that it was not true. I believed in my heart that the end of the CD, handheld packaging and getting a physical item would outway that of a digital download. I do believe in this economical based world, that this is declining…